注册5个印刷面积 浓缩工作坊于 3月15日星期五早上6点.m.
Weekly workshops provide students in kindergarten through grade 8 specialized after school learning opportunities with experienced instructors and passionate teaching artists, 音乐家, and professionals from the greater Portland area. 研讨会 offer in-depth exploration into the arts, 跳舞, 戏剧/代理, 科学, 工程, 电子音乐, 体育运动, 纸牌游戏, 角色扮演游戏(RPG),如《bet365官网》 & 龙.
- Parent pickup location for all workshop attendees: 托马斯住宅环路 除非另有说明.
- 研讨会的开始和结束日期见下文.
- All students must be registered to attend an Enrichment workshop.
- Payment in full is required at the time of registration.
- 研讨会 are open to Waynflete and non-Waynflete students from the greater Portland area.
- 研讨会 are offered in three seasons: fall, winter, and s印刷面积. 舞蹈课程每半年一次.
- If a workshop is canceled due to low enrollment, we will notify registered families one week before the first class.
折扣代码: Full-time 课外的 students receive a 25 percent discount on the price of Enrichment workshops. 结帐时使用代码“FTAS”.
问题? 对新工作坊的建议? 给富集办公室发邮件 或致电207.774.7863年,ext. 1379.
〇非洲风 报名已开始!
bet365官网开始行动吧! No prior 跳舞 experience is necessary to join South Sudanese 跳舞 artist and teacher Veeva Banga for this weekly workshop. Afro Beats is the convergence of traditional African 跳舞, modern 跳舞, and hip hop. This workshop is a great way to get the body moving, 享受美妙的音乐, and to be part of a communal celebration of the human spirit!
教练: Veeva Banga
地点: 弧画廊/工作室
3月11日至5月20日,下午3:30-4:45.m. (3月25日或4月15日不上课)
$255 • 注册
蒸汽研讨会 (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math)
Susan Wiemer’s workshops operate at the intersection of 科学, art, and imaginative play. 整个春天, students explore basic physics concepts while utilizing 工程/design methods and discussing the scientific process. There will be a wide variety of projects to build, 包括飞行玩具, 有关节的橡皮筋木偶, 汽车, 以及为LED灯供电的风车. Susan’s hands-on STEAM projects engage curious kids! 有限的空间. 不需要经验.
教练: 苏珊魏玛
地点: 低年级艺术工作室
For our next session we will celebrate s印刷面积 with s印刷面积s! Students will play games and build toys using the elastic potential energy found in s印刷面积s and rubber bands. There will be problem solving, group and individual projects and light-hearted physics lessons. 带上橡皮鸡!
4月3日至5月29日,下午12:30-2:30.m. (4月17日无课)
$275 • 注册
Participants enjoy lunch and recess with Susan before the workshop begins.
3-5 STEAM:神奇力量
This s印刷面积 students will begin with an overview of the four fundamental forces and then focus 在电磁. With light-hearted lessons and games, we will learn how this force lights us up, moves us around and literally holds us together. 使用老虎机,轮船 will get to see the fun in action while earning track time by demonstrating knowledge of the 物理原理在起作用!
4月1日至5月20日下午3:25-4:30.m. (4月15日无课)
$210 • 注册
地下城 & 龙
其核心是《bet365官网》 & 龙(D&D)是一个合作讲故事的游戏. Players will each take on the role of a unique character in a fantasy story and will need to work as a group—led by a practiced dungeon master—to uncover treasure, 解决谜题, 完成他们的目标. What path students choose is up to them… but know that the D&D world is full of both danger and adventure!
地点: 6–8 CHM 25, 4–5 较低的学校 Library Conference Room
指导老师: 迈克·丹克(6-8年级) & 科拉·柯蒂斯(4-5年级)
4 - 5个地下城 & 龙
4月5日至5月31日,下午3:30-4:30.m. (四月十九日及五月十日不上课)
$210 • 注册
6 - 8地牢 & 龙
4月4日至5月30日下午3:30-4:45.m. (4月18日无课)
$210 • 注册
This workshop is perfect for young climbers who want to come have fun and improve their skills. 登山者将攀登24-40英尺. walls under the supervision of EVO’s team and Waynflete staff. EVO will provide belayers, equipment, and a separate space for lunch prior to the climbing time. Bus transportation is provided to and from EVO from Waynflete.
地点: Evo Rock + Fitness(提供交通)
指导老师: Evo的团队 & bet365官网浓缩人员
$250 • 注册
BRIXOLOGY with MadScience
The Mad Science BRIXOLOGY Program sets the foundation for our next generation of makers! This program is unlike any bricks program your kid has ever done! Kids learn about different types of 工程 and then team up to construct a different 工程-themed project using LEGO® bricks. They learn about aerospace 工程 while assembling a space station. They explore mechanical 工程 as they build boats and vehicles. 这还不是全部! 从嘉年华游乐设施到绘图机, 机械动物来架桥, your future engineer will build upon their creativity to solve real-world design challenges while developing their problem-solving and team-building skills. 让bet365官网开始修补吧!
地点: CHM的《bet365官网》
教练: MadScience-certified讲师
2 - 5 Brixology
4月2日至5月28日,下午3:15-4:20.m. (4月16日不上课)
$210 • 注册
厨师的技能 & 烹饪美味
和克里斯汀一起bet365官网烹饪! bet365官网要练习一下刀法, bet365官网厨房术语, and explore various cooking techniques while making some of our favorite recipes like pizza, 猴面包, 烤鸡, 腌制串, 还有烤架上的汉堡.
Cristin沃尔什 graduated from the International Culinary Institute in NYC in 2006 with a focus in pastry arts. While in New York she worked at acclaimed restaurants Jean George’s, 工艺, 托马斯·凯勒的《自我. In 2012 she moved to Boston where she worked at America’s Test Kitchen as part of the writing and recipe development team for Cook’s Country. In 2014, 克里斯汀搬到了坎伯兰, 在缅因州抚养三个儿子, and though she doesn’t cook professionally anymore, she gets a kick making cool birthday cakes for her kids!
地点: 低年级,K-1厨房
教练: Cristin沃尔什
6-8厨师技能 & 烹饪美味
$250 • 注册
K–5 跳舞rs learn to become strong, confident, creative, and expressive through movement exploration. 6-8名舞者将bet365官网舞蹈理论, 拓展技术技能, 探索合成工具, and help to choreograph 跳舞 pieces for performances in May.
K–5 跳舞rs have half-year sessions with performances in December 和5月. Choreography students have half-year sessions with three performances during the school year in December, 2月, 和5月.
教练: Susan Nelson, Waynflete’s 较低的学校 Creative Movement and 中学 Enrichment Dance teacher.
地点: ARC画廊/工作室
Registration is currently closed for Session 2.
1月10日至5月15日,下午12:10-1:15.m. (2月21日及4月17日不上课)
1月8日至5月13日,下午3:25-4:30.m. (No class on January 15, 2月 19, March 25, and April 15) 每半年385美元
1月11日至5月16日,下午3:25-4:30.m. (2月22日及4月18日不上课)
1月9日至5月14日,下午3:30-5:15.m. (2月20日和4月16日无课)